Have Bible Questions?

Join our Zoom Bible Studies

Learn how to interpret experience love the Bible

Explore with Friends

Journey together with others who care about your spiritual growth.

We teach you how to learn

We do not tell you what to believe, our aim is to give you the tools to understand the bible for yourself.

Interesting topics

Including prophecy, biblical accuracy, what Jesus actually taught, health and more.


Ask questions

We welcome your questions. We will answer them on the spot or plan to deal with them in a future session.

Member satisfaction

Live Zoom Sessions

Resource Centre

Prophecy and End Times

Read Through the Bible

Bible Study Replays


Choose a Program


Lead by Daniella this group focusses on the foundational teachings of the Bible and helps build a relationship with Jesus.


Boris is a powerful communicator and he leads the intermediate class through some of the most amazing teachings in the Bible.


It is no surprise that prophecy is one of the most misunderstood topics in the Bible, Rui leads this fascinating journey through the books of Daniel and Revelation.


Missed the Live?

That’s ok, you can catch the Bible Study Replays here.

Below are a mixture of our latest videos including replays, sermons and more.

If I sign up, what happens if I can't attend last minute?

Obviously we would love you to be able to join us live, but if things come up you will also be able to gain access to previous recordings. So express your interest so you can keep up to date.

How do I access previous studies?

In the header and also here. Enjoy!

What are the benefits of being involved in a group setting?

You benefit from the perspective of others. The Bible calls this the “Priesthood of all believers”.

You also get to have the sense of community and accountability to motivate you to study deeper.

What resource do you base these studies off?

All of our studies are designed by qualified pastors and theologians, but at their base they are all founded on the idea that the Bible is the source of truth and it is our responsibility to diligently study, and responsibly handle it.

If you have any questions you can get in touch right here

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